Hello Gardening Friends:

I have offered this informative post prior, but if you prepare this helpful idea now you can use it throughout your gardening season. My sweetheart….. reminds me that folks often forget things I have posted,  and sometimes a refresher is helpful. He helps keep me on target, and he often sees things from the perspective of……a client.  I can get so caught up in execution I forget to offer tips on basics.  I hope occasional reposts are helpful for all of you.

I will begin posting some helpful reminders of projects I work on and perhaps they will inspire you to do the same,  After all…. a gardener is perpetually thinking about “spring” so keep your mind focused and satisfy your own indoor boredom with your spring ideas. It can’t hurt and it gives you a head start on things you want to accomplish for your new gardening season – 2022.

Check in with me each day this week. I’ll post my ideas for spring gardening prep. Feel free to call or txt me if you have ideas you’d like to share, and with your permission I can post them here. I often get in conversations with my gardening folk and comparing notes is so fun. Love to hear from you.  Txt 703-548-1882



What You’ll Need

Begin with  a simple terra cotta pot. The aluminum one I used is about 14 inches in diameter.

Paint it a pretty color if you’re feeling fancy.

Next, working in a large bowl or bucket, mix together enough sand to fill your pot with some mineral oil. You want to use enough oil so that your sand is fairly evenly coated. It should stick together but still have a “crumbly-ish” texture. Place your favourite hand tools down into the sand when you’re done with them.  Each time  they’ll get a little sharper (kind of like when you use sand paper to sharpen kitchen scissors) and they’ll be coated in just enough oil to keep them rust free! It’s magic.

For those of you with a tool collection that is smaller, a terra cotta flower pot will do the trick. It’s heavy enough not to tip over and can easily sit right near your front door –  indoors without getting in the way.  And the habit uf taking care of your tools will become second nature “it’s a good thing.”